Thursday, May 6, 2010

Missed my Flight

September 23, 2008

I missed my flight!!!! The LA traffic got the best of me I missed it by 15 min. I had to book a Jet Blue Flight for $300 plus the rental car for $90 and the $400 to get out there so all in all it wasn't worth it I should have just driven. Black Chandelier is getting better my stuff is selling even with the little notes left in the pockets of the nappi jeans that read "nappi eats babies" and "nappi sucks" Ha Ha the fan fare is great. I am still going crazy, but I am getting better at dealing with it. The time before my last LA trip where I missed my flight I drove to LA from Salt Lake a 10 hour drive and got to the factory to approve some samples of the denim and they told me they needed a little bit more time, so i went to the grove again and watched 2 movies then went back picked up the samples and drove home. Just so your clear thats 10 hours there 4 hours waiting and 10 hours back, now that's a day.

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